Hot appetizer
The very word "goose" brings memories of roadside Hungarian villages:
little houses, high gates, trees bent under the weight of fruits and
white birds calmly marching in columns on the road.
Goose liver is the most expensive Hungarian delicacy. It brings hard
currency and is in big quantities exported to Alsace, where
"Strasbourg goose liver pate" is produced. However, traditional
domestic ways of cooking the liver are not forgotten.
Ingredients :
(makes 2 servings)
1 goose liver
100 g goose fat
1 onion
1 teaspoon of deli paprika
Preparation :
Cut goose liver in 1-1.5 cm thick slices, fry in goose fat for 4-6
minutes, take out but don't let it cool. Simmer finely chopped onion
in the remaining juice, remove the frying pan from heat, sprinkle with
paprika and again slowly heat its contents.
Lay out goose liver on a plate, pour sauce over it and serve with
freshly baked bread.