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Triple Smoked Sturgeon - Unsliced (~2 LB)

Smoked Sturgeon is a traditional Scandinavian delicacy is cured for three days using our special touch, and then covered with finely chopped dill. The triple smoke process uses varying temperatures which allows the smoke to delicately enter the meat without cooking, over-drying or over-smoking the fish.

The final product is buttery and moist with a fine hint of smoke. And the supple properties of the Triple Smoked White Sturgeon make it easy to slice. One of the world's great treats is smoked sturgeon topped with a dollop of caviar.

It comes in a 1.5 lb unsliced side.
Sale Price: $165.00
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Availability: Yes

Code: 020302
Product: Triple Smoked Sturgeon - Unsliced (~2 LB)
Price: $165.00



  ecommerce provided by Yahoo! Small Business. Imported and American caviar, delicatessen products: foie gras, truffles, mushrooms  
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